Monday, June 30, 2008

it's official...

we are moving on thursday...we started packing this you can see from the pictures john was in charge of packing the fragile stuff...

the kids loved these boxes...poor john made the mistake of picking them up in it and running around the house. who needs a gym when you have toddlers in a bucket? their laughter was priceless though.

by the way, as you probably figured out (most of you already know)...i am a really good/bad procrastinator...i should be packing right now!!!!


Kerri said...

Good luck with the move. Make sure you put that 'special pink package' in a safe place!

I do not envy the packing!

Pelham said...

that was priceless. I can't wait to come see the new westmoreland residence. I will wait until after you move completely.

Sinead said...

hehehe that made me laugh out loud! you're too funny, fiona! good luck with the moving! see you tomorrow (i hope!).

Margaret C. Sanders said...

Happy 30th Birthday, Pheeona!