Tuesday, August 19, 2008

what i want to be when i grow up...

i want to be a children's book writer and illustrator. i found this great website today. It is a site for children's book illustrators. maybe it will motivate me to start thinking about possible stories or characters...here are some of my favorites...

Lauren Child is the creator of charlie and lola

Ian Falconer is the creator of the Olivia Series
do you think that this is just another way to procrastinate...i really should be doing laundry, cleaning the house, and unpacking! man, i am good at procrastinating...i wish there was a career in that!


Kerri said...

surely you aren't procrastinating! i mean, you look at children's books and think, "that is really simple". THEN, you think about concept, illustration, story, characters, etc. Good luck!

Sinead said...

I think you could do it--you're so creative!

We LOVE Charlie and Lola. Lola reminds me so much of Maggie that it's scary sometimes! ;)