Thursday, November 1, 2007

happy halloween!

halloween was really great this year. the kids loved it. mm figured out pretty quickly that if she brought grady's bucket with her up to the houses, she would get twice as much candy...the great white grady shark wasn't into the trick or treating.

here are amos and leighton getting ready to go. aren't they cute?

i love this picture. they all look so excited. look at leighton dancing!

one last pause before we went...check out mm's mouth...she got into our candy dish early!

our first house.

another neighborhood perk...we met up with neighbors on the way. thanks for joining us abby grace!

nobody home...i think mm thinks that there is still hope that there might be candy on the other side of the door waiting with candy.

another neighbor pick was sweet helping river to the next house!

this shark sure looks scary doesn't he?

1 comment:

Sinead said...

awwww they look so cute!!